If you’re looking for lunch box notes for non-readers, preschoolers or kindergarteners, I’ve got the cutest options for you.
Even though your child can’t read, they can definitely interpret the message of these lunch box notes.
I. Love. You.
Taking the time to place one of these notes in your child’s lunch box everyday throughout the entire school year (or on special days like the first day of school, Fridays, holidays, etc) is a great way to let your child know that you care.
Each note also contains the message of love in some way, with lots of hearts which will be understood at any age.
Brighten up your child’s school lunches with these adorable free lunch box notes!
When both of my daughters started school, they struggled with separation anxiety.
Big time.
I was always looking for ways to make them feel more secure.
Including a sweet note in their lunch boxes is a simple way to remind them that you care and that you’re thinking about them.
It will remind them that you will be there when they get home from school.
You could even use these free printable lunch notes for older kids. Just take a minute to jot a note to your child on the back before packing it in alongside that peanut butter sandwich.
I guarantee including these cute notes in your child’s lunch will put a huge smile on their face.
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Lunch Box Notes For Non-Readers

Little kids will love these lunch box notes, whether they are 2 year olds, 3 year olds, in preschool, kindergarten or elementary school.
If your child is starting to read, you can incorporate my lunch box notes for kindergarteners too!
The only thing that you need for these lunch box love notes is a color printer, paper (card stock is preferred over regular paper) and a click on the link below that will take you instantly to the printable PDF file.
There are 24 small love notes that will take you through an entire year. (If you’d like more, let me know in the comments!)
As your child starts to learn sight words, you can also include them in little notes on the back of these free printables.
You can write simple thinks like “I love you” and “You are the best”.
This is such a great way to work on their reading skills because your child will so badly want to read your handwritten notes.

Click here to get your love-themed lunch box notes for non-readers!
I hope you and your child enjoy these cute lunch notes! I’m so glad you chose my lunch box notes to bring a smile to your child’s face!
Here’s to a great day for the whole year.

Monday 9th of October 2023
This has been so fun for us to do. We have loved using these and your kindergartener notes.
Brenda Kosciuk
Tuesday 10th of October 2023
I'm so happy you are using them both!