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Encouraging Lunch Box Notes Kids Will Love

We live in such a busy world now that it sometimes seems that we miss some of the little things that mean so much.

A great way to help make your child’s day so much better is to infuse their day with positive messages through a personal note.

A special note in your child’s lunch box may just contain the right words of encouragement they needed that day.

Let’s face it, a loving message can help make a regular school day feel special.  

Just imagine the beautiful smile on your child’s face!  It is so worth it to spend just a few moments to place those little notes in their lunch bag next to some fresh fruits!

These notes can also go a long way when you are helping your child navigate times that may be unfamiliar such as the beginning of the school year.

Some silly jokes or positive affirmations can go a long way to turn a bad day into one of many good days!

I like to think that these funny notes can have a ripple effect on anyone’s day.

Not only are these notes a perfect way to help remind your child that they are so loved, but they may also even have an effect on their school performance in a positive way.

In addition to that, you feel happy all day knowing that the short notes you have placed in your little one’s lunchbox are making their day better!

Sending this little bit of love with your child is a wonderful gift that will last everyone all day long.

Encouraging Lunch Box Notes


What I really enjoy about the simple designs of these cute lunch notes is that the main focus is the message.

The background is a beautifully bright and calm and the most important word in the positive phrase is in bold.

In this way, it is almost like your child can hear you saying this wonderful message directly to them.  It is like getting a hug in a note!

You can print off all of the messages and keep them in a special place to either send a message a day or spread out delivery times for when they are most needed.

It is best to place your note collection close to where you prepare your kiddo’s lunch so you are reminded every day.

Either way, they will be so appreciated by your child.  It is a simple yet powerful way to continue to let you child know how amazing you think they are!

Below is a list of the special messages you can expect to see on the encouraging notes we have prepared for you.

  1. I believe in you!
  2. I am so proud of you!
  3. You are the light of my life!
  4. Mistakes me you grow!
  5. You make me smile!
  6. You can make a difference!
  7. You amaze me!
  8. You’re not average, you’re awesome!
  9. You shine like a star!
  10. I am so lucky to be your mom!
  11. I’m your biggest fan!
  12. You are perfect just the way you are!
  13. You are my sunshine!
  14. You’re one of a kind!
  15. See the positive in everything!
  16. I love seeing the person you’re becoming!
  17. Be the best you you  can be!
  18. Never give up!

These notes are also a great conversation starter for when you greet your child after school.

You can talk about how their day was and ask them what they thought about the message that was in their lunch box that day.

It is another way to reinforce that positive message and connect with your child during a time when you both may be a little bit low on energy.

Caring for a child is such a monumental responsibility that it is nice to be able to find these little moments to fit in some extra positivity.

Accessing Your Free Printable


There is absolutely no subscription needed to access these cute lunch box cards.

If you are looking for more notes, look no further than these adorable kindergarten lunch box notes.  

They are sure to also make your little one’s day so much better!

In addition to that, we also have these lunch box notes for non readers, so that you have notes for all of your kids, not matter what stage they are currently going through.

Our kids grow up so fast, and being able to keep connected in all of these small ways can really add up.

Our world is so connected yet also disconnected at times that a simple note can make all of the difference to a little one.

Not only does this help your kids in the moment by making their day better, but when done consistently, can help them want to share the kindness with others as they grow up.

And there we have that wonderful ripple effect again!

The most important part of this is that you are sending your child off to their destination knowing that you love them so much.

Finding that note will make them feel like their loved one is there with them and will help build their confidence.

It is like letting them know that no matter what, you are there to support them, even if you are not there in person.

Click HERE for your lunch box note printable!

We all feel better knowing that we have people who love us who are on our side.

And, as always, you’ve got this!