I am always looking for simple activities to get us outside and this Nature Scavenger Hunt is the perfect one!
It’s a great way to enjoy some fresh air while also playing a game outside!
This activity is great for the whole family and will make any day a little more fun!
Nature Scavenger Hunt For Kids

This nature scavenger hunt is a simple activity that is easy to adapt to any age.
It’s the perfect way to get your child thinking about what they see and can make spending time outside even more fun than it already is.
The best part is that the scavenger hunt is just the beginning.
Once you start your scavenger hunt, you are sure to find even more interesting things and your time outside will be an adventure!
Maybe you can follow this activity with some nature art!
My son loves any type of game that feels like a treasure hunt and going outside on a nature scavenger hunt was like an outdoor treasure hunt.
It led to us to finding even more things than what was on the list and the big hit of the day was a snail crossing the sidewalk.
It was a wonderful way for the whole family to enjoy a little time outside and one of my favorite activities that help kids connect with nature.
Ideas For Making The Most Of Your Scavenger Hunt
This simple nature scavenger hunt takes little to no prep and can be done anywhere! I have a few tips that might help make it go even smoother:
- Print out the scavenger hunt on thicker paper like card stock so it’s easy to write on when you are outside
- Another option (instead of printing on card stock) is to have your child bring out a clipboard or a hard surface to write on
- The scavenger hunt printables comes with two options, one that’s great for younger kids and is picture based and the other would be a fun option for big kids and gives them a little more of a challenge. Pick the option best for your child and have some fun!
- Grab a magnifying glass (if you have one handy) and make this nature hunt a little more official with some fun gear
- There really is no limit to where this nature hunt can be done! Some ideas: Your own backyard, a city park or local park, nature trails or even a walk around the block- anywhere outside works!
- Rainy day? No problem! Grab an umbrella and get hunting! Rain is never an issue for kids and can be a really fun time to see nature.
Toddler Scavenger Hunt

The toddler nature scavenger hunt is perfect for younger kids. The great thing is it’s a picture based scavenger hunt and is a wonderful way to introduce some nature vocabulary with words like “pine tree.” There are many different ways to do this scavenger hunt with younger children. Here are some fun ideas to get you started:
- Have your child bring their favorite color crayon or marker and have them color in the image once they have found that item
- Either have your child look for a specific item or go to one area and have your child look around and tell you all the things they see. Or help them find things on the list that match what they see, or do it both ways! Follow your child’s lead and most importantly have fun!
Looking for more fun ideas for your little one? Check out these toddler spring activities!
Nature Scavenger Hunt For Older Kids

Looking for a great activity to get those big kids outside?
This fun scavenger hunt is for you (and them!).
This is the perfect way to get the whole family outside and having a great time at no extra cost and this nature hunt will keep kids busy for awhile!
The best part is that it is for kids of all ages and is a great option when you want to get outside.
My favorite thing about the older kids scavenger hunt is that it is a checklist of items they have to find but are not specific items.
This is so great because it allows them space to be creative and gives kids an opportunity to find different things while on the same scavenger nature hunt.
Some great options with this activity:
- Have everyone find their list of things and then come back and compare what they have found (this would be fun in a big space like a park and could even be like a timed challenge to see how many you could find in a certain amount of time)
- For older kids, make this a nature photo scavenger hunt and have them take a photo of everything they find. After have everyone share their pictures and why they chose their items.
For more great activities for kids of all ages check out our outdoor activities for kids.
Downloading Your Scavenger Hunt
To download your free printable scavenger hunts, simply subscribe in the subscription box below and once subscribed, this fun nature scavenger hunt will download instantly. Once subscribed you will receive awesome resources and activities like this one!
My family loved doing this scavenger hunt printable and I hope you and your kids enjoy it just as much!
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