It all starts with a loose tooth. Your child’s first lost tooth is an event to behold!
In addition to that, losing a tooth can sometimes be a painful and shocking experience for a little kid.
So, if we can inject a little magic into this rite of passage, we can help make this a more positive experience in our child’s life!
We reassure our children that it is ok to say goodbye to their baby teeth and some of us introduce our young ones to the fairy experience.
That includes placing that first tooth under your child’s pillow and sending them off to sleep with dreams of fairy gifts.
As we know, there is more than one fun way to celebrate the loss of that special tooth.
In addition to that, there are several more pearly whites that will join that first tooth eventually.
This means coming up with different ideas for the loss of each new tooth, or at least finding traditions that will grow with your child.
There are so many cute ideas out there, and we have gathered some that will make tooth fairy visits awesome.
To be sure, you know what your kids enjoy, so keep that in mind when introducing these new traditions.
Tooth Fairy Ideas For Boys

1. Have The Tooth Fairy Bring A Letter, Certificate Or Receipt
A great way to start is with a Tooth Fairy letter.
This is a creative way to instill some good dental hygiene in your child’s life.
I mean, if the tooth fairy says it is important, it must be done!
A Tooth Fairy certificate is a great way to add so much fun to the tooth fairy game!
It is also an easy way to keep track of when your kids lost each tooth.
Each certificate includes a place to write your child’s name as well as the date the tiny tooth was lost.
The Tooth Fairy receipt next to some dollar bills or new toothbrush is a great way to personalize the visit from the tooth fairy!
In addition to that, you have an excellent way of chronicling your child’s age and the date said tooth was placed under their pillow.
It gives a feel of realism to a visit from the tooth fairy, thus making it feel more believable.
2. Have Your Son Decorate A Special Envelope Or Box
It is always a great idea to get your kids involved in projects to focus on the positive.
This is especially true for children who may be feeling a bit of anxiety about the loss of a tooth.
They usually have questions about if it will hurt or if there will be blood.
While those questions should be answered carefully, it is also good to turn to the preparations of losing said tooth.
Doing so may help a child feel more empowered and in charge of the situation.
It will boost their confidence and make them feel more ready to face the loss of their teeth.
Talk about how they might want to decorate their tooth container.
They could even make a container out of Legos or their favorite building materials.
I explained to my son that we needed a container so that the tooth does not get lost while he is sleeping.
He also reasoned that having the tooth in a container would make it easier for the tooth fairy to find it!
3. Make Money Origami
Fold the dollar into something your son likes, like a fish or a dog.
Folded money has such an amazing payoff (pun intended, I suppose!).
I know that my son enjoys the artistry of folded paper and the fact that it is money just takes it to another level as well.
4. Give A Two-Dollar Bill Or A Silver Dollar
There is a special magic in money that feels rare or special to kids (and adults as well!)
I know I keep coming back to it, but “special” money just adds to the otherworldly feeling of a tooth fairy visit.
I mean, of course the tooth fairy deals in money that us mere mortals just do not see very often.
Most kids will be so excited and probably place their two-dollar bill or silver dollar in their box of special items they will cherish.
5. Make It Look Like The Tooth Fairy Spent Time With Your Son’s Toys
Many children will take in the tooth fairy story and then they become mini detectives!
So let us give them what they are looking for: evidence.
Knock over some things in their room (quietly, of course!)
Take out some toys or games and make them look like someone played with them.
If you are feeling especially adventurous, you can even sprinkle a bit of fairy dust (read glitter).
Our little detectives will love the plethora of created evidence that lets them know that the tooth fairy did indeed visit!
6. Have The Tooth Fairy Leave A Treasure Map
This one is great especially if you have a child who is a light sleeper.
Gently place a map of your home on their pillow and mark a specific spot with an X for the fairy treasure.
Then you can create a fun surprise with gold coins and create a special gift for your child!
7. Create A Tooth Fairy Scavenger Hunt
You can make clues and hide them all in tiny letters along the way.
With each clue, you can add items such as floss, a new toothbrush and other fun little gifts or coins.
Then you can conclude the scavenger hunt with a special gift or tooth fairy money.
8. Have Your Son Create Signs To Help The Tooth Fairy Find His Room
Kids enjoy giving directions and sharing information with others!
Make signs and arrows to put up all over your house that point toward your child’s room.
I thought of this after hearing my son’s worried voice ask how the tooth fairy would find his room.
When I answered that the tooth fairy knows because of magic, he half believed me.
So, in order to make sure there was no confusion as to what room contained the tooth of the hour, we made lots of signs and arrows for the fairy to follow.
My son fell into a peaceful sleep that night, confident that the tooth fairy was in no danger of getting lost along the way!
9. Write A Letter To The Tooth Fairy
Have your child include a little note to the tooth fairy along with their tooth.
They can tell the tale of how they lost their tooth and thank the tooth fairy in advance for picking up their tooth.
You can always keep these notes and place them in an envelope for posterity.
Think of all the fun and laughter you will have when revisiting these memories with your children when they are adults!
10. Make A Tooth Fairy Pillow
Now before you think we need to pull out needle and thread here, take a breath!
I promise this will be a bit more simple and faster.
There are several ways to go about this. You can cut two squares of fabric, fill with some cotton balls and hot glue the sides together and voila!
Hot glue a little pocket to the front and you have a place for the tooth.
I really like this option for light sleepers. You can also attach a little string and hang it from their door.
This is a really fun way to get your child involved again. They can choose the design of their tooth holder and help create it.
If you are not feeling up to sewing or hot gluing, you can always look up a tooth fairy tooth holder.
There are a ton of options out there! One of my favorites is a pillow with a shark on the front. Talk about some teeth!
The wonderful thing about the tooth fairy tradition is that it helps instill that childlike sense of wonder and belief of magic in the world.
This tradition turns something that is potentially very scary for some kids into something they start to look forward to.
There is definitely something to be said for helping our kids through these growing pains.
You may choose to participate in all of these traditions, none of them, or a combination of the ones you know your kids will enjoy the most.
The most important thing is to personalize the journey for your kids and what they like the most.
Only you know this, and I hope you are able to incorporate some of the ideas above or at least be inspired to create your own traditions.
Give them the fun and confidence that comes from taking charge of a situation that might feel a little uncomfortable for them.
In the end, you’ll be glad to have helped them become more resilient people.
And, as always, you’ve got this!